Clark County Traffic Impact Fee Program Update


Clark County and the City of Vancouver have had a joint program since 2001.  The joint program included districts that were shared by Vancouver and Clark County.  In 2014, the City of Vancouver adopted a TIF program solely for inside the city limits.  This action leaves the county with several districts that partially remain within the city limits.  It is necessary to update the program to account for growth solely in Clark County and not the City of Vancouver.  The necessity to update the program also allowed for the opportunity to increase efficiencies for staff and the private sector.

Adoption Process

Development Engineering Advisory Board (DEAB) - June 4, 2015

Planning Commission - July 16, 2015

Board of County Commissioners - July 29, 2015 Worksession 

Technical Documents

For more information or questions please contact:
Matt Hermen
Planner III
Clark County Community Planning
1300 Franklin Street
P.O. Box 9810
Vancouver, WA 98666-9810
(360)397-2280 Ext. 4343