Planning Commission Hearing

Event Type

Planning Commission Hearing - 6:30 p.m.


CPZ2017-00001 - NE 72nd Ave /NE 119th St: A proposal to create a circulation plan for the intersection of NE 72nd Ave and NE 119th St.

 CPZ2017-00002 - NE 107th St: A proposal to re-align the extension of NE 107th St., from SR-503 to NE 137th Ave.

 CPZ2017-00003 -  Arterial Atlas: A proposal to amend the arterial atlas, to include language that explains the amendment process.

 CPZ2017-000018 - Kerr Road: A proposal to consider removing Kerr Road from the arterial atlas.

PLEASE NOTE:  THIS ITEM HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE 10/19/17 HEARING DATE:  CPZ2017-00017   Public Facility Zone: A proposal to correct a mapping error to remove the public facility comprehensive plan and zoning designation on vacant publicly owned properties and apply the prior comprehensive plan and zoning designations and amend the Public Facilities code language under CCC 40.230.090.

Board or Commission
Planning Commission
Event Date