About Economic Development


Desired accomplishments

Over the next 20 years, the county would like to achieve the following in its economic programs:

  • Increase opportunity for citizen’s economic well-being.
  • Increase skill levels leading to increased opportunity and higher income levels.
  • Respect that individuals have needs for different opportunities.  Diverse opportunities are important.
  • Look for the “path to yes” in interaction between citizens, partners, and the economic community.
  • An economic vision rooted in evidence.
  • A vision that transcends planning cycles and biennial budgets.
  • Erase boundaries between communities and topical disciplines.
  • Use resources wisely through focused strategies.

Unifying principles

To achieve this vision the county plans to focus on the following unifying principles:

  • Focus on our strengths as a community.
  • Use robust strategies with broad applicability.
  • Focus on key competencies and do them well.
  • Keep programs small, strong and simple.