Current projects


Chelatchie Prairie Rail improvement

The grade crossing improvement at 119th Street was finished in June 2014. This project was paid for by the Road Fund and a state grant. Work began in June on grade crossings at St. Johns and Fruit Valley roads and were completed in October.

Site specific
This information is not disclosed in the interest of confidentiality and proprietary information. Currently, staff is assisting five different prospects with site investigations.

Site readiness
Consultant contract ready in June 2014 with analysis to begin in July 2014 and end in 2015. Target areas are St. John's-Barberton area and Discovery Corridor at 179th Street.

Comprehensive planning
First draft of economic development element of plan completed in June 2014. Technical appendices to follow in the remainder of 2014.

Rural industrial land bank review
Participation in land use review.