Energy efficient improvements


Improving the energy efficiency of your home has the added benefit of saving you money for heating and cooling as well as making your home a healthier place to live.

Duct and home performance

Homes with leaky air ducts are more the rule rather than the exception in Clark County. Leaky ducts account for an average 20 to 40 percent of your home's total heating and cooling costs.

Sealing and/or insulating your ducts yields the greatest energy savings when compared to other types of energy saving upgrades. On average it takes three years to recoup the repair costs. Utility repair incentives can cut that time in half.

Incentives from local utility providers can help cover the cost of duct repairs. Duct repairs typically pay for themselves within two to five years through reduced energy bills typically saving $100-$200 each year.

Repairing leaky ducts will improve your home's air quality and save you money. A leaky return air duct within a home's crawl space can bring mold spores, dust, and even radon gas into your living space. A leaky supply duct encourages pests to move into your crawl space bringing with them germs and disease.

Contact your heating contractor to see if they offer this service.

Contact Clark Public Utilities for more information about their incentives.

Contact Weatherization staff at or 564.397.4068 for more information about the benefits of testing your ducts.

Weatherization assistance

Home weatherization benefits homeowners, landlords and tenants by installing cost effective measures for energy conservation and address health and safety concerns.

Eligibility for home weatherization assistance is determined by the number of people living in the household and income levels. Eligible low-income households receive the energy audit and energy saving measures installed free of charge.
