2007 Environmental Impact Statement


The 2007 Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) examines the potential effects from increasing population and changes in urban growth boundaries in Clark County. The 2007 FEIS was prepared as part of the ongoing effort to revise the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, including urban areas designated to meet the projected need for new jobs and homes through 2024.

There are several ways to access the 2007 FEIS.

Groundwork for the Final EIS

Clark County held a scoping open house on October 18, 2005. The purpose of 'scoping' is to compile a list of topics to be studied in the EIS. Here are materials related to the meeting:

At a work session on December 13, 2005, the commissioners approved three alternatives to receive detailed study prior to any further action. These alternatives are:

  • Alternative 1 (PDF 8.3MB): A "No Action" alternative reflecting the growth plan adopted in September 2004.
  • Alternative 2 (PDF 8.3MB): The "2005 Discussion Map" alternative, which encompasses values, principles, planning assumptions, and growth projections identified by the commissioners to guide additional work.
  • Alternative 3 (PDF 8.3MB): A "Geographic Flexibility Map" alternative to examine lands that could be used to adjust or refine Alternative 2, to create a more formal proposal for new boundaries.

Public open houses were held on February 9 and 23, 2006 to present the EIS alternatives and to update the public on the progress of the comprehensive plan update.

Summary of comments from February 2006 (PDF)
The county worked with the consulting firm David Evans and Associates to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement released in August 2006.