
2021 Dockets


The Docket process provides a means for suggested improvements in comprehensive plans and development regulations submitted by interested persons, hearing examiners and staff of other agencies. Requests for map or text amendments to the comprehensive plan or implementing development regulations received by the county prior to September 1st will be considered in conjunction with the following year's work program subject to councils approval. 

These were the cases processed in 2021. The comprehensive plan and zoning designation changes approved by council went into effect on July 29, 2022.

Docket Name

CPZ 2021-00007 Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Ordinance Update

This project is to amend Clark County’s Title 40.240 (Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Districts), which is mandated by Columbia River Gorge Commission and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service.  Counties with land in the National Scenic Area are required to amend their ordinances to be consistent with their Management Plan.

CPZ 2021-00008 Coordinated Water System Plan Update

The project is to add an addendum to the Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), regarding a 2017 interlocal agreement adjusting the water services boundaries and water service shut off between the Cities of Vancouver and Camas.

CPZ2021-00013: 179th Street Access Management and Circulation Plan

Financial investment and new development growth are expected to change the 179th Street corridor within the Vancouver Urban Growth Area, from Northwest 11th Avenue to Northeast 50th Avenue.  This planning study evaluated the future planned streets to develop interim and long-range multimodal corridor plans for the corridor and guide future circulation and access decisions.  

School District Capital Facilities Plan Updates – Suspension Request

On June 1, 2021, County Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-06-01 to suspend the 2020 public school capital facility plan updates and attendant impact fee amendments until 2022 due to the public health crises due to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).


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Related info

Clark County Code Title 40.510 and 40.560