Process and Documents


The information below describes each phase of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan update project. Information related to each phase will be posted here. We will add more information as it becomes available, so please keep checking the page.


Planning staff briefed the Board of County Commissioners, Planning Commission and public on the Growth Management Act and Vacant Buildable Lands Model and how they inform the Clark County comprehensive plan.  

The public participation plan also was developed. It clearly identified the scope of the comprehensive plan update, when legislative action is expected, and how the public can participate or comment.

Documents and information

Growth Management Act overview

Vacant Buildable Lands Model overview

Public Participation Plan

Data Analysis

This phase of the project laid the foundation for the updated plan. The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) chose a 20-year population projection to inform the employment and household projections and lead to working with cities and towns to determine where the projected people and jobs will be. 

Also during this phase, proposed changes to the comprehensive plan text were reviewed by the public and Planning Commission for comment and recommendation to the BOCC. Technical reports that support the policies in the updated comprehensive plan were developed.

Documents and information are available at the bottom of the page

Population projection

Employment forecast

Growth allocation:

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) scoping process

Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

Buildable Lands Report

Under state law, Clark County and its cities are required to review and evaluate the adequacy of suitable residential, commercial and industrial lands inside the Urban Growth Area (UGA) to accommodate projected population and employment growth during the remainder of the current 20-year GMA planning horizon, which ends in 2035.

Comprehensive Plan Text

Plan Development

This phase will result in a report documenting changes in Clark County since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, areas of the plan or development regulations that must be updated or amended, and optional amendments or changes the board and Planning Commission have chosen to consider.

This phase is when issues identified in the Data Analysis phase are addressed through plan or code revisions. Plan development also includes meeting SEPA requirements. In this case, Draft and Final Supplemental Impact statements will be prepared and viewed.

Documents and information will be posted when available.

Comprehensive Plan Text

Comprehensive plan document changes>
Issue paper 6 - Countywide Planning Policies (PDF)
Issue paper 6 - Countywide Planning Policies - presentation (PDF)

Title 40



The final phase of the project is when the public and state and local officials review and comment on the overall proposed plan. 

The Planning Commission will hold public hearings on the proposed plan. The BOCC then will hold hearings to consider and vote on the plan's adoption.

Adoption documents and presentations information can be found on the Plan Adoption page.