

Development Code - Complete Streets

Project Summary

In 2019, Clark County Council approved a Comprehensive Plan text and policy amendment to include Complete Streets. This was the first step to qualify for a complete streets award and gaining additional points on grant applications.

The second step is to modify Title 40 to include complete streets language consistent with the comprehensive plan text language.

The final step is to adopt a Complete Streets ordinance.

Summary of proposed amendments:

  1. Add a new complete streets program using CCC 40.350.010.
  2. Renumber Pedestrian/Bicycle Circulation Standards from CCC 40.350.010 to CCC 40.350.015 and amend corresponding references in CCC 40.350 and 40.230.
  3. Correct scrivener errors in CCC 40.350 relating to naming of the “Standard Details Manual.” 

Public Hearings

Nov. 5, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. - Council Hearing 

​​​Oct. 3, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. - Planning Commission Hearing

Planning Commission Recommendation, dated Oct. 4, 2019

Staff Contact

Gary Albrecht, Planner III

Information and tips on providing testimony (public comment)